Ordination (or Recognition of Ordination) Process and Document Details


First, read over the preparation “tracks” for ordination (candidates fall under one of these three tracks, as outlined below):



American Baptist Churches of Indiana & Kentucky


 Track #1

Candidates will have completed a college or university Bachelor’s degree plus a seminary degree (M.Div. or its equivalent), within accredited institutions.

All other standards apply including completion of the following:

  • Approved AB History & Polity class
  • Candidacy assessment
  • Ethics course/Code of Ethics
  • ABPS Profile
  • Church membership in a region church


Track #2

The educational standard of Track #1 is reaffirmed (college and seminary degrees, within accredited institutions).

However, the following exceptions may be granted:

  • An “equivalent degree”, i.e., a Ph.D. in religion or a Masters in Religious Leadership, etc.
  • A candidate’s ministerial experience may be used to meet a portion of the “higher education” requirement (up to a maximum of three years of the typical seven).  2 years of approved experience = 1 year of formal education*
  • These are exceptions and must be individually reviewed and approved by the Executive Minister on behalf of the CORMS team.

All other standards apply.  See above under Track #1.


Track #3

Track #3 is an alternative track and is an exception to the standard educational prerequisites.  Candidates must qualify through completion of one of the following:

  • Seminary in another country*
  • An approved lay ministry program*
  • At least seven years of pastoral service, three within ABC of Indiana & Kentucky.
  • The above require review and approval by the Executive Minister on behalf of the CORMS team

All other standards apply.  See above under Track #1.

* See booklet, Recommended Procedures for Ordination, Commissioning, and Recognition for the Christian Ministry in the American Baptist Churches, p. 8-10.


To get an idea of the documents a candidate and his or her church needs to submit to CORMS as part of the ordination process (or recognition of ordination process), go HERE.

Please note, however, that the documents for recognition of ordination (those previously non-ABC) does differ slightly.

With any questions, contact Rev. Mark Thompson, Executive Minister.