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Scripture for Reflection

Acts 2: 42-44 (ESV)

42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. 44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common.

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Camps and Retreats Change Lives

Our Region is committed to leading individuals to accept Christ, grow in their relationship to Christ, and live out their faith as disciples. Camps and retreats help people of all ages on their Christian journey and provide them opportunities to live in community with other Christians. First-time decisions for Christ are often made at camp, and many individuals answer God's call to ministry while with us! For the link to Indian Creek Baptist Camp (ICBC), go HERE. Another option is the (association-run) camp, Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp (SBYC). For the link to that camp, go HERE.

Indian Creek Baptist Camp and Retreat Center (ICBC), located in the beautiful rolling hills of southern Indiana, is available year-round for 50+ people. Summer camps house up to 200. Cabins have a rustic feel with amenities comfortable for all ages. A lodge for up to 40 includes private, overnight rooms adjacent to the common area.

Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp (SBYC), located near Greensburg, IN, is an association-founded camp run independently but is a partner organization of the ABC-IN/KY Region. With conference and retreat facilities available year round, SBYC can usually accommodate up to 230 guests; however, SBYC's winter capacity is limited to 98 guests.

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