This class will introduce participants to the general history and growth of Baptists in Europe and America and the development of Baptist life in Indiana and Kentucky. It will examine the eight “classic” Baptist principles (e.g. believer’s baptism, biblical authority, local church autonomy) and connect them to the life of the local church. In addition, the polity and organization of American Baptist Churches USA and American Baptist Churches of IN & KY will be examined.

This course is required for anyone pursuing ordination. Lay persons and church staff members are encouraged to take the class as well.

 A three-session seminar (via Zoom), participants are to join ALL THREE sessions!

CEUs available upon request. – Course taught by Rev. Dr. Darrell James.


Saturdays, March 1 (start date REVISED), March 8 & 22, 2025

9:00 am – 3:00 pm (EST)

Cost: $25.00 per person

(Registration has now closed)

For more info about the course, including course expectations and several books you will need to acquire, go HERE.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, Feb. 14, 2025