A Special Time of Fellowship & Worship – Please Plan to Attend!
WHAT DAY: Sunday, May 4
5:00-6:00 PM (EST) Pitch-in Dinner
6:00-7:00 PM (EST) Worship Event
WHERE: Alexandria FBC
2107 S. Park Ave., Alexandria, IN
Note that a FUSE Youth Gathering (for grades 6-12) also will occur at Alexandra FBC that same day from 4:00-6:00 PM (EST), so that the youth can then join in worship with everyone else once their student gathering fun has come to a close.
More details will follow SOON and RSVPs will be requested eventually!
For now, simply start advertising this Region special event with your churches, including also with your youth! – Perhaps make plans to carpool. Get ready to join your Christian brothers and sisters from throughout IN/KY for what promises to be an enjoyable and Spirit-filled time of TOGETHERNESS!
Display Date/Time - Sunday, May 4