Jaime Flores

Jaime Flores, Latino Ministries Strategist

PO Box 125, Franklin, IN 46131


If you would like, email Jaime HERE.

Rev. Flores accepted Christ in his native El Salvador as a young person and soon immigrated to Los Angeles where his aunt invited him to attend the Sun Valley Spanish Baptist Church with her, an ABC congregation.  He was called to ministry soon thereafter and attended the Instituto Evangelico in La Puente CA, graduating in 1989.  In 1994, he came to Indiana and planted Iglesia Cristiana Fuente de Vida in Fort Wayne and later Iglesia Bautista Emanuel, also in Fort Wayne, and most recently Iglesia Bautista Betesda in Indianapolis, where he continues to pastor. Flores previously served as a regional New Church Planting Coordinator; served separate terms as the Secretary and President of the National Hispanic Caucus for USA and Puerto Rico; and currently works with ABHMS (American Baptist Home Mission Societies) as the Hispanic Coordinator for Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana and Kentucky.

Rev. Flores is married to Andrea, and they are the parents of two adult sons, Noe Benjamin and Josue Andres.

Rev. Flores works bi-vocationally (a few days a month) connecting with our Spanish-speaking congregations. In addition, he works with New Church Planting to consult about planting new Latino congregations in IN/KY and has been involved with the IN/KY Latino Anglo Bridge Builders (LAB) group.